Register a user account
Register a xeebo account:
1. Register an account
To be able to use the xeebo, you need a user account.
Registration is done in just a few steps.
2. Klick the subscribe link on the top right
Enter your e-mail address. An email will get sent to your email address. The email contains a validation link.
3. Confirm validation link in email
Confirm your registration via the validation link we sent to your email account.
4. Fill in your name and choose a role
Fill in your name, choose a nickname, login and password. You also have to choose your role. You can choose between the following roles:
- Applicant - looking for a job
- Employee - hiring employees
- Recruiter/Consultant - hiring for companies
5. Add your occupation
Optional you can add your occupation and some short resume data. After that, you can login with your previous choosen login and password.
Delete your user account
Delete your account:
1. Login with your account
Login with your existing login, password or with your connected google or apple account.
2. Go to the basic data
Go to the Basic Data page by cklick the Basic Data menu item on the top right corner.
3. Go to the Account page
Go to the account page by click the menu Account on the menu bar on the left side.
4. Delete your account
Scroll down to the Delete your account section and click the x icon. A dialog will open. Confirm with your current password. After you confirmed with your password, the account will get removed.
5. Delete Data
After you confirmed your account deletion, we will remove all your personal data in the background. This happens usualy a couple minutes later in the background based on your background system. We only keep your nickname in our system. This nickname is not visible anymore but we will keep them because we do not allow to reuse a nickname with a new member registration.