Caritas Schweiz
Adligenswilerstrasse 15
6002 Luzern
Caritas Schweiz ohne Arbeitsort
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Caritas Switzerland is a leading aid organization in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Our ultimate aim is poverty alleviation. Our International Cooperation programmes focus on income generation, global warming and migration. We are active in some 20 countries. Over the coming years, Caritas Switzerland wants to expand its commitment to disadvantaged people. Join us with a commitment to help us bring about a more caring society, as
Consultancy: Final evaluation of the Access to Sustainable Employment (ASE) project (Lebanon)
Caritas Switzerland is seeking a qualified consultant to conduct a final evaluation of the Access to Sustainable Employment (ASE) project as per the attached terms of reference. This comprehensive evaluation will cover the project's entire duration, from its inception in April 2022 to its completion expected in September 2024. The ASE Project aims to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee youth by addressing youth employment challenges. The project provides life skills training, Technical and Vocational Trainings in three sectors (Information communication and technology, light construction, and agriculture), and sponsored internships for employability or business grants for self-employment eligible beneficiaries. The selected consultant will assess the project's design and relevance, achievement of objectives, impact, effectiveness, and sustainability, while collecting and analyzing lessons learnt, challenges faced and best practices.
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
  • The evaluation consultant/team will comprise the best available mix of skills that are required to assess the project and will have a diverse level of expertise in all the following subject matters: Rural Development, Local Economic Development, TVET, MSMEs Development, Youth and Women Affairs, Employment/Job Creation Strategies and Policies 
  • A proven record of experience at senior level with development cooperation and livelihood projects 
  • A minimum of 5-7 years of experience in conducting evaluations, particularly in humanitarian or development contexts
  • Familiarity with quantitative and qualitative evaluation methodologies 
  • Demonstrated experience in evaluating livelihood, socio-economic empowerment, or similar projects 
  • Preferably experience in highly inflationary contexts 
  • National of Lebanon or resident of the country with valid work permit 

Other requirements:
  • Excellent writing and verbal communication skills in English and Arabic is mandatory 
  • A good understanding of the context in Lebanon and the evolving changes related to the Syrian Crisis in Lebanon
  • Availability in line with the defined mission calendar and ability to deliver as per the agreement
  • Commitment to ethical guidelines in research and evaluation and data protection 

Details of this consultancy are provided in the terms of reference.

Application process:
Personal statement 
  • 1-page expression of interest, highlighting relevant experience and knowledge of the context, overall cost of the evaluation 
  • CV(s) of an individual or a team
  • A statement confirming availability of the consultant to conduct this assignment within the intended timeframe
  • Contact details for 2 references and links to 2 evaluations conducted 

A short technical offer describing evaluation methodology
  • Proposed activities, time frame (implementation plan) and scope of work
  • Team composition and roles
  • Evidence that the evaluator has the experience to conduct the evaluation (e.g. a list of previous evaluations) 

Financial offer
  • Cost of evaluator(s), all inclusive
  • Proposed payment schedule

Application process:
Please send an e-mail with your full application package with the subject header “Evaluation of the ASE Project” to the following email: 

 Application Deadline: by 31st of July 2024, 12:00 noon. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. 


 Assessment of the offers 
The offer will be evaluated by using the best value for money (combined scoring method). Technical proposal will be evaluated with 70% weight, whereas the financial one will be evaluated with 30%.